Thursday, July 20, 2017

When it Rains it Pours (without hail this time)

Well right now I'm sitting on the couch watching rain fall on Snow King and hoping the aspen tree in the front yard that is coming uprooted won't fall and hit the window where I'm sitting. I love rain so much. It's one of my very favorite things. And I also feel like it is great for creative inspiration (though what I am about to write isn't very creative :)). But you get my point: it's perfect blogging weather.

So yesterday we didn't do all that much but we went on a bike ride around town in the afternoon. Catherine and I were supposed to go to a free concert last night but we didn't know we had to have tickets to it and it ended up being sold out so she promised to take me to dinner. Fran joined us and we went to Hatch (a Mexican food place). I think it was one of those places where you have to order the right thing or else you will be really unsatisfied, and Catherine and Fran did not order the right thing. So they were quite disappointed with their food and I was satisfied-ish with mine. Then we sneaked (apparently snuck actually isn't a word) into a gala for the Dancer's Workshop at the Center for the Arts that we didn't have tickets to. Thankfully because Fran and Catherine are both on the staff we were able to get into the show, which was really cool. They had a fundraiser in the middle of the show in which they took donations from the people in the crowd and they raised over $100,000 in 5 minutes. It was insane. There are so many rich people who live here.

This morning I woke up thinking I was at my house and Ruby was barking and I spent a few seconds trying to think of what dog would be barking at my house because we don't have a dog and neither do the Bertkes. I thought maybe it was Dirk...then I realized I wasn't at home. It was a really weird feeling. Aunt Susie worked today some and Catherine went to ballet and then to hang out with her friend Sarah so I was at home by myself for a little while. I washed some dishes and painted and cleaned Aunt Susie's refrigerator so I felt pretty productive actually. Catherine brought me home a rice crispy treat which was really sweet and she just left for a doctor's appointment with her mom so Sarah and I just had a talk about my future (I just met this girl today and I really like her :)). Aunt Susie and I are supposed to go to Music on Main today in Victor, Idaho but it is raining so I don't know if we're still going to do that. We'll see.

Sorry for the long post full of play by plays but now you know exactly what I've been up to.

Also one more thought: I really miss my piano. I've been thinking about it a lot today and I can't wait to play it when I get back home. I'm afraid I won't remember how to...but realistically I don't think 13 years of piano lessons can actually be wiped out by 6 weeks of absence.

Okay bye now,

1 comment:

  1. Emma, I like "hearing" from you via blog. I think it opens up opportunities for me to hear from you on a level that we don't always share day-in-day-out. Through reading your blog, I've decided you and I are more alike than I had originally judged. Rain! It's it beautiful? Even storms are down-right exhilarating and remind me of our God's power. Your mom just finds all this scary.
    I'll let your piano know that she is missed. I'm pretty sure when I had coffee with my sis and Mrs. Tyre at your house this week, I heard her asking about you.
    And whoa! Sneaking into places! You are a rebel without a cause!
    In case you didn't know, we are hot and sweaty here in Texas!
