Monday, July 10, 2017

Nothing Much to Report

Today has been pretty normal, and by normal I mean average, no intense hikes or bike rides or anything like that. Aunt Susie needed to do paperwork today and Catherine worked at Teton Tiger so I just hung out at the house doing different things. I read, painted, watched Netflix, and washed all my clothes. Nothing really significant to report today. I only got one suggestion for a new title out of everybody reading I guess I'm going to use it, though I don't know if it's THE title, you know? I didn't feel a stirring of any kind when it was suggested but...I just feel like I need a new title for a new year. Thanks for the know who you are.

Alrighty well...maybe tomorrow's blog will be a bit fuller.


P.S. I believe I have fixed the comment problem so everyone should be able to comment now.

1 comment:

  1. Shout out to the fix on comments!

    Don't know that I'm using "shout out" correctly! (worried face)
