Saturday, June 25, 2016

Wyoming at Last

We finally arrived in Jackson Hole, Wyoming after many, many hours of sitting in the car. Here in Jackson we are at 6,209 feet. After eating some delicious chicken fajitas, we walked to the square to get some local ice cream despite the fact that we were shivering while strolling the four blocks to the downtown area.
This place has some of the best ice cream I have ever tasted!
On the way up here I came to a few realizations about people. First of all, so many people lack appreciation for the scenery that surrounds them. I have seen multiple people in cars that we passed in the mountains who were either on their phones or doing things other than surveying the land around them. I, on the other hand, was riding with the window down studying the land around me taking in every rock, tree, and wildflower that we passed, trying not to let the beautiful Hoback and Snake Rivers pass out of my sight. My thought is that if you are going to travel several hours through changing scenery that God has been so gracious to bless us with, you need to absorb every part of it. It's not every day that you get to experience another part of the nation and see things that you don't normally get to see so take it in while you can. The second observation that I made was how accustomed we are to Texas heat. I had the window rolled down trying to enjoy the 71 degree mountain air and a 9 year old brother of mine (who will remain unnamed) was complaining that he was cold. Back in Texas, I bet it was scorching hot and there my brother was, in more than comfortable weather, complaining that he was cold. Anyway, we finally made it to Wyoming, and let me tell you, if you're going to go to Wyoming, you need to go to Jackson Hole. It is a charming little town in a valley surrounded by the Teton Mountains. It is beautiful. I came last summer with my grandparents and was just as awestruck this year as I was last year. The mountains are gorgeous and there are so many hiking and exploring opportunities that I know will keep us very busy.
These are elk antlers that are collected every year from the National Elk Refuge here in Jackson. There are four arches in the square.

Also, because it gets so cool at night, there is no air conditioning in my aunt's house. They sleep with the windows open. I love it! 


  1. Thank you for sharing your excited you are blogging.

  2. Glad to hear y'all finally made it! Ponder what you learned about yourself on the way up. How did you respond to riding for so long? What filled your thoughts? What did you learn about your family that you hadn't noticed before?

  3. AND!! What flavor ice cream did you get?

  4. What a great picture of you and your family!! That was a lot of antlers in that archway ;) We are in Florida right now, and without a doubt, I would totally welcome some 71 degree weather!!
